Friday, May 1, 2009

True Humility...

On my mission, I find it necessary to always do conditioning. While physical conditioning is important, the kind I do is a little different. I need to find ways to grow my muscles, but the most important ones are spiritual muscles. One of the ways I do this is by listening to amazing Homilies and speeches done by God’s chosen Priests. I then take this new bit of information and work out with it letting God tell me what else He might have in store for me.

On this, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Fr. Christopher Kubat was giving the Homily and mentioned a point that, while it was only one sentence in a 5-10 minute Homily, struck me and really caused me to think. What he said was “St. Joseph learned humility by witnessing the greatest example of humility ever – when the creator of Heaven and Earth, the maker of man, the exalted God became Himself subject to a man.”

This got me to thinking – how truly humbling to know that you can snap your fingers and wipe a man out of existence, yet you humble yourself so much that when he says, “Can you do that for me?” you respond with “Yes, sir”. Jesus was never disobedient, that would have broken the 4th commandment and we know the He was without sin. So therefore, He always had to listen to Joseph. Joseph, knowing that He was the foster father of God-made-man, knowing that Jesus must obey him could have ordered Jesus to do so many things, and yet, he saw this ultimate example of humility and learned from it. 

I struggle each day to remember to be humble and to avoid pride. I ask this humble man, who learned from the best, to help me to be truly humble. No other person could possibly under

stand true humility as well as St. Joseph, and so when we need help with this tremendous virtue, we should turn to the guy who learned it so well.

Saint Joseph the Worker, pray for us!

And now, I’m back to my mission!

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