I live in a world filled with dragons. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some are disguised as rude people in traffic. Others look like problems in my coding at work. Some target my family, stressing them out. Still others are in the shapes of laziness, gossip, greed, selfishness, and pride. Some even look like scantily clad women (these are especially prevalent in the summer months). These dragons are all over, just waiting for some unsuspecting person to stumble into their trap. I must be forever on guard as the slightest slip could allow me to be overcome by a beast hiding just around the corner.

Take for example this morning. I woke up and one was sticking his ugly head in my window trying to convince me to press the snooze button on my alarm clock one more time. I gave this up for Lent and so I was ready for him and attacked. After removing that beast, I got ready and left for work (no armory this morning, but I planned ahead and stocked up). I left for work and right away there was a dreaded “Cut-you-off” dragon right in the middle of traffic right next to a “Text-n-Drive”. I fended both of them off with a single blow and with the help of my Mother, I was able to avoid three or four potential attacks until I came upon a “So-Slow-Truck”. This one took a while, but finally I was able to get past him. I arrived at work and tackled 2 “Project-Stumpers” and a “Telemarketer”. I did get wounded by a “Distracto” but got right back on course. Finally, I overcame a couple more “Project-Stumpers”, “Telemarketers”, one that was named “Roger”, and then completed my day.
With so many dragons running at large, it’s a wonder that more people aren’t taken by them every day. Maybe they are and I just don’t see it when I’m fighting. However, I sometimes wonder if the dragons will win out in the end and if there are many more dragon slayers left in the world. I see some in the corporate environment and in traffic, but those dragons are easier to slay and less dangerous than the “Moral” dragons. The Moral’s will sneak right up on you and pounce when you aren’t paying attention. These are so dangerous because not only can they hurt you, but they have the ability to damage not only your physical body, but also your immortal soul. Face it only a few hits from these and if you don’t rush to a hospital (rather a Confessional) you could end up spiritually dead. And dead men don’t slay dragons.
Ah-ha! I see another dragon coming, so I’m back to my mission…
By the way - St. George - Pray for us dragon slayers!
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