Holding your little one in the rocking chair, you rock back and forth. You hum a gentle tune. Your slow rhythmic breathing soothes her ears. She cuddles into you and closes her eyes. Soon, she is drifting off to dream land. As you listen to her little snores you decide it would be a good time to lay her down so you can get a little work done. And then you wake up and it is half an hour later.

How do they do it? It’s like someone hypnotized you.
Stronger than tryptophan.

How do they do it? It’s like someone hypnotized you.
Stronger than tryptophan.
More powerful than Dramamine.
I can’t explain it. One minute I am sitting there rocking my daughter to sleep. The next minute, I’m waking up from a nap of my own. About a month ago my youngest woke up early (like 6 o’clock early). I was just getting ready for the day and so I got her up, changed her, and started to rock her back to sleep. She snuggled in and about an hour and a half later, my wife found me in the chair and asked, “Don’t you need to leave for work?”
I’ll sit down to watch the game. It will be the 4th quarter with my favorite team trailing by 3 with only 1:30 left and they are driving down the field. My little one gets cranky, so I pick her up and BANG I’m watching the amazing heroics of some player from a different team on the post game show! How does this happen?!?
Sometimes I will try to read while I’m rocking her… Oops!
I can’t explain it. One minute I am sitting there rocking my daughter to sleep. The next minute, I’m waking up from a nap of my own. About a month ago my youngest woke up early (like 6 o’clock early). I was just getting ready for the day and so I got her up, changed her, and started to rock her back to sleep. She snuggled in and about an hour and a half later, my wife found me in the chair and asked, “Don’t you need to leave for work?”
I’ll sit down to watch the game. It will be the 4th quarter with my favorite team trailing by 3 with only 1:30 left and they are driving down the field. My little one gets cranky, so I pick her up and BANG I’m watching the amazing heroics of some player from a different team on the post game show! How does this happen?!?
Sometimes I will try to read while I’m rocking her… Oops!
It’s not like I take a lot of naps or like I’m very tired. I hardly ever nap – though I’m not opposed to the occasional snooze. I can have a whole pot of coffee and then sit down with one of my girls and before you know it, I’m gone. It’s a travesty.
There is only a nap… a slowly rocking, rhythmic, warm, snuggly nap. But hey, there is no better kind.
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