How to Defeat a Knight(A guide for dragons)
- Begin by finding a field in which you can excel.
- Next find a weakness in said knight.
- Begin attacking that weakness with a strong force.
- All the while you are attacking, find another weakness, maybe two.
- When the knight begins to overcome your attack on the first weakness, attack the second while maintaining his attention on the first front.
- Laugh as the trick works and you catch a knight while he is off guard.
I have encountered a dragon who had found these steps in an ancient scroll from the original dragon. He proceeded to attack me using my allergies to wear me down. While I waged a full on battle with my allergies, he used two of my other weaknesses (security and my girls) to launch attacks on two weak fronts. After being violated by a break in, I found that my feeling of security was gone. I had just enough defenses to counter this attack, but had my legs cut out from under me when my two girls came down with high fevers. The dragon stood over me beaming and trying to decide where to deal the death blow...
One thing the dragon failed to account for is that buried next to that there is another Writing in existence that I have become acquainted with. It is a Shield that cannot be penetrated, and with the utterance of a small prayer, I looked up to see the dragon's smirk leave his face as my shield flew into place and with one swoop - it was over.
The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?Psalm 27:1
I picked myself up and dusted myself off. Then I knelt down and gave praise to He whom protects me.
I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears
Psalm 34:4
Turns out a little virus can knock you down, but you just have to get back up to your knees and keep on keepin' on.
And now, with another dragon slayed, I'm back to my mission...